Crostini, Barbara

Barbara Crostini ha conseguito il Dottorato di ricerca in Studi Bizantini (D. Phil) all’Università di Oxford nel 1999 con una tesi sul Katechetikondi Paolo Everghetinos. In seguito si è occupata di catalogazione di manoscritti greci presso la Bodleian Library di Oxford, il Trinity College di Dublino e la biblioteca Carolina dell’Università di Uppsala, Svezia. Ha insegnato letteratura greca e bizantina e paleografia e codicologia greca in diverse nazioni europee in corsi di laurea e di specializzazione. È accreditata come docente in Greco bizantino presso l’Università di Uppsala, dove vive e studia. I suoi interessi vertono sull’incontro tra le diverse religioni dell’Impero bizantino e i rapporti tra Oriente ed Occidente letti attraverso testimonianze manoscritte letterarie e pittoriche con metodo interdisciplinare e in prospettiva diacronica.

Progetti di Ricerca
Commenti ai Salmi di Esichio di Gerusalemme.
Edizione elettronica delle catene sui Salmi.


A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts Acquired by the Bodleian Library since 1916 (Excluding Those from Holkham Hall)(Oxford: Bodleian Library Publications, 2003).

“De monialibus in byzantino orbe”. Essays on Byzantine Women Monasticism, co-edited with Mariarosa Parrinello [= Rivista di storia della Chiesa in Italia15.1 (2018), sezione speciale monografica, pp. 3-88].

Greek Monasticism in Southern Italy: the Lifeof Neilos in Context, co-edited with Ines Murzaku (London: Routledge, 2017).

A Book of Psalms from Eleventh-Century Byzantium: the Complex of Texts and Images in Psalter Vat. gr. 752, co-edited with G. Peers, Studi e Testi 504 (Vatican City, 2016). [Reviewed in TMR 17.10.06 by G. Dorival.

Ars edendi Lecture Series IV, co-edited with Gunilla Iversen and Brian M. Jensen, Studia LatinaStockholmiensia 62 (Stockholm, 2016).

Entering the Editorial Laboratory: A Casebook for and by Editors of Medieval Latin and Greek Texts, co-edited with E. Göransson, Gunilla Iversen et al. (Ars edendi, Stockholm) (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2016).

Negotiating Co-Existence: Communities, Cultures and ‘Convivencia’ in Byzantine Society, Selected Papers from the European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop, Dublin, 1–3 October 2010, co-edited with Sergio La Porta, Bochumer Altertumwissenschaftliches Colloquium 96 (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2013).

Receptions of the Bible in Byzantium: Texts, Manuscripts, and Their Readers, co-edited with Reinhart Ceulemans, Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia (Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, forthcoming).

Online Projects

  • A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts at Trinity College Dublin.
  • An Online Edition of MS Vat. gr. 752(in collaboration with the Vatican Library).
  • Greek Manuscripts in

Articoli in Peer-Reviewed Journals
‘Le monache bizantine e i loro monasteri: luoghi di santificazione o rifugi di penitenza?’, in “De monialibus in byzantino orbe”. Essays on Byzantine Women Monasticism, ed. by Barbara Crostini and Mariarosa Parrinello [= Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia15.1 (2018)], pp. 7-24.

‘Riflessi del contrasto con l’Occidente nei manoscritti studiti miniati del dopo-scisma (1054)’, in Ortodossia e Eresia a Bisanzio (IX–XII s.). Atti della IX Giornata di Studi dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini (AISB), Roma, 5–6 Dicembre 2008[= Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici 47], ed. by F. D’Aiuto, Vincenzo Ruggieri et al., eds (Rome, 2011), 265–284.

‘Le fonti dell’omeliario liturgico di Paolo Everghetino (†1054): sintesi di spiritualità per un monachesimo rinnovato’, in Siculorum Gymnasiumn.s. a. 57 (2004) (= Atti del VI Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini), 179–199.

‘A Fourteenth-Century Homiliary for Nuns: Structure, Contents and Context of MS. Cromwell 22’, Byzantinische Zeitschrift95 (2002), 35–68.

‘Navigando per il Salterio: riflessioni intorno all’edizione elettronica del manoscritto Londra, British Library, Addit. 19.352. Prima parte’, Bollettino della Badia greca di Grottaferrata55 (2001), 191–215.

‘Navigando per il Salterio: riflessioni intorno all’edizione elettronica del manoscritto Londra, British Library, Addit. 19.352. Seconda parte. Il significato storico del Salterio di Teodoro’, Bollettino della Badia greca di Grottaferrata 56–7 (2002–3), 133–209.

‘Structure and Dating of Codex Atheniensis graecus788, Typikonof the Monastery of the Theotokos Evergetis’, Scriptorium52 (1998), 330–349, pl. 52–54.

‘TheKatechetikonof Paul, Founder of the Monastery of the Theotokos Evergetis, in Relation to the Foundational Documents’, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 64 (1998), 123–141.

‘The Emperor Basil II’s Cultural Life’, Byzantion, Revue Internationale des Etudes Byzantines66 (1996), 55–80.

‘Interpreting the Interpretors: the Principles and Aims of the Protheoria’, Ostkirchliche Studien42 (1993), 51–59.

Articoli in Peer-Reviewed Edited Books

‘Greek Manuscripts in Sweden: a Digital Catalogue (’, in Greek Manuscript Cataloguing: Past, Present, and Future, ed. by Paola Degni, Paolo Eleuteri and Marilena Maniaci (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018), pp. 59-66.

‘The Electronic Edition of MS Vaticanus graecus752: Text or Texts?’, in Digital Philology: New Thoughts on Old Questions, ed. by Maria Adele Cipolla, Storie e Linguaggi (Verona, 2018), pp. 123–137.

‘Eleventh-Century Monasticism between Politics and Spirituality’, in Being in Between: Byzantium in the Eleventh Century:Proceedings of the 45th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Oxford, ed. by Marc Lauxtermann and Mark Whittow (Routledge: British Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, 2017), pp. 216–230.

‘In Defense of the Visual: Unfolding the Joshua Roll against the Background of the Image Controversy’, in Le Livre à l’époque romane. Production, Usage et répresentations. Actes du 25e Colloque international d’art roman, Issoire, France, ed. by Marie Charbonnel and Vincent Debiais (Poitiers, 2017), pp. 73–92.

‘Hesychius of Jerusalem’s Prologue to the PsalmsRevisited in the Light of Vat. gr. 752 and its Illustrative Programme’, with Mariachiara Fincati, in A Book of Psalms from Eleventh-Century Byzantium: the Complex of Texts and Images in Psalter Vat. gr. 752, co-edited with G. Peers, Studi e Testi 504 (Vatican City, 2016), pp. 329–373.

‘Editing a Greek Catena from a Single Illuminated Manuscript (Vat. gr. 752)’, in Entering the Editorial Laboratory: A Casebook for and by Editors of Medieval Latin and Greek Texts, co-edited with E. Göransson, Gunilla Iversen et al. (Ars edendi, Stockholm) (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2016), pp. 54–71.

‘A Meeting-Point between East and West: Hesychius of Jerusalem and the Interpretation of the Psalter in Byzantium’, in Patristic Studies in the Twenty-first Century: Proceedings of an International Conference to Mark the 50th Anniversary of the International Association of Patristic Studies, ed. by Carol Harrison, Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony and Theodore de Bruyn (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015), pp. 343–363.

‘Catechetical Teaching in Eleventh-Century Constantinople: the Cases of Paul Evergetis and Vaticanus graecus752’, in Networks of Learning: Perspectives on Scholars in Byzantine East and Latin West, c. 1000–1200, ed. by S. Stickel, N. Gaul and M. Grünbart (Vienna/Berlin, 2014), pp. 89–106.

‘The Teubner Edition of Psellos in the Light of a New Find in MS Trinity College Dublin 373’, in Textual Transmission in Byzantium: Between Textkritik and Quellenforschung, ed. by I. Pérez Martin and J. Signez Codoñer, Lectio (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014), pp. 263–288.

‘Paul Moore and More Psellos: Still “Wanted” in Byzantium?’, in Byzantium Wanted: The Desire and Rejection of an Empire, ed. by I. Nilsson and P. Stephenson, Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia 15(Uppsala, 2014), pp. 176–185.

‘Digitizing Greek Manuscripts: Benefits and Prospects’, in Proceedings of the 14thInternational Congress on the Care and Conservation of Manuscripts, ed. by Michael Driscoll and Raghneduir Mosesdottir (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2014), pp. 373–382.

‘Book and Image in Byzantine Christianity: Polemics or Communication?’, in Aesthetics and Theurgy in Byzantium, ed. by S. Mariev and W.-M. Stock, Byzantinisches Archiv 25 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013), 99–119.

‘Spiritual “Encyclopedias” in Eleventh-Century Byzantium? Miscellaneous Evidence for an Encyclopedic Outlook’, in Encyclopedic Trends in Byzantium? Proceedings of the International Conference held in Leuven, 6-8 May 2009, ed. by C. Macé and P. van Deun (Leuven: Peeters, 2011), pp. 213–230.

‘L’iscrizione greca della Cappella Palatina di Palermo’, in La Cappella Palatina, ed. by Beat Brenk (Modena, 2010), pp. 187–202.

‘Il culto di Sant’Alessio nell’undicesimo secolo tra Oriente ed Occidente’, in Il monachesimo d’Oriente e d’Occidente nel passaggio dal I al II millennio cristiano: persone, istituzioni, rapporti spirituali, Monastero Esarchico di Grottaferrata, 23–26 settembre 2004, Analekta Cryptoferris (Grottaferrata, 2009), pp. 17–31.

‘Paul of Evergetis as Founder and Reformer’, in Founders and Refounders of Byzantine Monasteries, ed. by Margaret Mullett, Belfast Byzantine Texts and Translations, 6.3 (Belfast, 2007), pp. 379–395.

‘What Was Kosher in Byzantium?’, in Eat, Drink and Be Merry, 37thSpring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Birmingham, 2003, ed. by Leslie Brubaker (Aldershot, 2007), pp. 165–173.

‘Mapping Medieval Miracles in Byzantium: the Development of the Legend of St Alexios’, inSigns, Wonders, Miracles: Representations of Divine Power in the Life of the Church, ed. by Kate Cooper and Jeremy Gregory, Studies in Church History 41 (Woodbridge, 2005), pp. 87–97.

‘Fondatori a confronto: San Simeone il Nuovo Teologo e Paolo Everghetinos attraverso le “catechesi”’, in Simeone il Nuovo Teologo e il monachesimo a Costantinopoli. Atti del X Convegno ecumenico internazionale di spiritualità ortodossa, sezione bizantina, Bose, 15–17 settembre 2002(Magnano, 2003), pp. 103–128.

‘The Liturgical Calendar of the Evergetis Katechetikon’, in Acts of the International Congress ‘Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark’, ed. by R.F. Taft and G. Winkler, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 265 (Rome, 2001), pp. 705–737.

‘New Manuscripts from the Bodleian Library’, in I manoscritti greci tra riflessione e dibattito, Atti del V Colloquio Internazionale di Paleografia Greca (Cremona, 4–10 ottobre 1998), ed. by G. Prato,3 vols (Florence, 2000), 2: pp. 725–728.

‘Originality and Dependence in the Katechetikonof Paul of Evergetis: Some Examples of Catecheses Adapted from Theodore of Stoudios’, in Work and Worship at the Theotokos Evergetis, ed. by M. Mullet and A. Kirby,Belfast Byzantine Texts and Translations, 6.2 (Belfast, 1997), pp. 178–200.

‘Towards a Study of the Scriptorium of the Monastery of the Theotokos Evergetis: Preliminary Remarks’, in The Theotokos Evergetis and Eleventh-Century Monasticism, ed. by M. Mullet and A. Kirby,Belfast Byzantine Texts and Translations, 6.1 (Belfast, 1994), pp. 176–197.

Commissioned Articles
‘Byzantium’, in The Oxford Illustrated History of the Book, ed. by James Raven (Oxford, forthcoming 2020).

‘Augustine in the Byzantine World to 1453’, in The Oxford Guide to the Reception of Augustine, ed. by Karla Pollman, 3 vols (Oxford, 2013), II, pp. 726–734.

‘Pietro Pomponazzi’, in The Oxford Guide to the Reception of Augustine, ed. by Karla Pollman, 3 vols (Oxford, 2013), III, pp. 1569–1571.

‘The Greek Christian Bible’, in The New Cambridge History of the Bible, vol. 2: From 600 to 1450, ed. by R. Marsden and A. Matter (Cambridge, 2012), pp. 41–55.

Articoli in Festschrifts
Multi pertransibunt, et multiplex erit scientia: a New Gerontikon Narrative in MS Upsal. gr. 5’, in Philologie, herméneutique et histoire des textes entre orient et occident. Mélanges en hommage àSever J. Voicu, ed. by C. Macé, F. Barone and P. A. Ubierna (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017), pp. 191–208.

‘Martha and Mary Revisited: Exegesis of an Image in the Pericopes Book of Henry II’, in Ad Fontes. Festschrift for Olof Andrén, ed. by Carl Johan Berglund and Daniel Gustafsson (Skellefteå, 2015), pp. 81–91.

‘Moral Preaching and Animal Moralizations: the Physiologosin the Eleventh Century between Stoudios and Montecassino’, in Ἔξεμπλον. Studi in onore di Irmgard Hutter, II (= ΝέαῬώμη/ Nea Rhome. Rivista di studi bizantinistici, 7, 2010), pp. 155–190.

‘Christianity and Judaism in Eleventh-Century Constantinople’, in EUKOSMIA.Miscellanea per il 75odi Padre Vincenzo PoggiS.J.(Soveria Mannelli, 2003), ed. by Vincenzo Ruggieri and Luca Pieralli, pp. 167–187.

Introduzioni e brevi contributi
‘Introduction’, with Mariarosa Parrinello, in “De monialibus in byzantino orbe”. Essays on Byzantine Women Monasticism, ed. by Barbara Crostini and Mariarosa Parrinello [= Rivista di storia della Chiesa in Italia15.1 (2018)], pp. 3-6.

‘Introduction’, in Greek Monasticism in Southern Italy: the Lifeof Neilos in Context, co-edited with Ines Murzaku (London: Routledge, 2017), pp. 1-13.

‘Introduction’, with Glenn Peers, in A Book of Psalms from Eleventh-Century Byzantium: the Complex of Texts and Images in Psalter Vat. gr. 752, co-edited with G. Peers, Studi e Testi 504 (Vatican City, 2016), pp. 20–40.

‘Postfazione’, to Paolo Everghetinós, Esempi e parole dei santi Padri teofori, Italian transl. by Benedetta Artioli, vol. IV (Abbazia di Praglia, 2015), pp. 461–469.

‘Introduction’, in Negotiating Co-Existence: Communities, Cultures and ‘Convivencia’ in Byzantine Society, Selected Papers from the European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop, Dublin, 1–3 October 2010, edited by Barbara Crostini and Sergio La Porta, Bochumer Altertumwissenschaftliches Colloquium 96 (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2013), pp. 9–18.

Articoli in pubblicazioni elettroniche
‘Commenting the Psalter in Eleventh-Century Constantinople: an image of the Paralipomena Ieremiouin the Theodore Psalter’.


Articoli in corso di stampa
‘Resolving Humbert’s Crux? Anti-Greek Polemics and the Question of Crucified Saints’, in Contra Latinos et Adversus Graecos: the Separation between Rome and Constantinople from Ninth to the Fifteenth Century, ed. by Alessandra Bucossi (Leuven: Peeters, 2019), pp. 153-181 [in press].

‘Athanasius’sLetter to Marcellinusas Psalter Preface’, in The Literary Legacy of Byzantium. Editions, Translations, and Studies in Honour of Joseph A. Munitiz, ed. by Bram Roosen and Peter Van Deun, Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019) [in press].

‘Temptation in the Cell: a Beneficial Tale of Paired Monks and its Significance for Christian Ethics’, in Between Lust and Chastity: the Byzantines on Love and Sex, ed. P. Caballero (= Anales de Filología Clásica, Buenos Aires). [in press]

‘Perils of Travel or Joys of Heaven? Reconsidering the Travelling Hypothesis for MS E.D. Clarke 15 and the Question of Function of “Diminutive” Manuscripts’, in Manuscripta2019 (Saint Louis University, MO, Vatican Film Library and Center for Manuscript Studies) [in press].

‘Leafing through Manuscripts Backwards: Doodles, Marginal Drawings, and the Organic Life of Otrantine Libraries’, in Marginalia/Art Readings, ed. by Elissaveta Moussakova (Sofia: Publications of the Institute of Art Studies – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), pp. 449-462. [in press]

‘The Work of the Artist: the Economic Implications of Icon Production in Monasteries and Byzantine Iconoclasm’, in Monasticism and Economy: Rediscovering an Approach to Work and Poverty, Proceedings of the Fourth International Monastic Symposium, Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, Rome, 2016 (Rome, 2019), pp. 49-70. [in press]

‘Arranging a Catena: the Commented Psalter in MS Vaticanus graecus752’, in Actes du Colloque international Le Commentaire, du manuscrit à la toile, Brussels, 19-20 mars 2015, ed. by Laura Calabrese and Laurence Rosier. [in press]

‘Variations on the Theme of Death: Two Limb-by-Limb Laments’, in Festschrift for Margaret Mullett, ed. by Liz James. [submitted]

‘A New Manuscript of the Iliadwith Scholia from the Terra d’Otranto: TCD MS 922’,in Miscellanea per Augusta Acconcia Longo in memoriam, ed. F. D’Aiuto et al. (Nea Rhome). [submitted]

‘The Use of Scripture in Cyril of Jerusalem’s Homilyon the Paralytic by the Pool(CPG 3588): Interpreting the Litter of Solomon’, in Healing and Exorcism in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity, ed. T. Wassermann (WUNT Series, Mohr Siebeck). [in press]

‘Introduction’ to a thematic section on ‘Greek Astronomical Manuscripts’, as guest editor for the Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine andModernGreek Studies2018 [in press].

‘Natural Suffering: Psellos, Viola, and a Christian Ecology of Pain’, in Iconography of Pain, IKON 12, ed. Marina Vicelja (Rijeka: Publications of the Center for Iconographic Studies) [in press].

‘The Survival of the Sc/roll Format: Symbolic and Practical Performances’, in The Scriptural Universe of Late Antiquity. Proceedings of an International Workshop in Honour of Guy Stroumsa, ed. Emmanouela Grypeou and Peter Jackson (Stockholm University Press) [submitted 29/12/2018].

‘Another True Cross: Psellos, Heraclius, and the Cross of the Archangel Michael at Sykeon’, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies[submitted 14/02/2019].

‘What are Psalter Catenae for? Considerations from the Vaticanus graecus752 Project’, in Tenax Memoriae. In ricordo di Sandro Leanza, ed. by Maria Rosaria Petringa and Maria Antonietta Barbàra (= Commentaria Classica, Messina, 2019). [submitted 15/02/2019; revised after peer-review 05/05/2019]

‘L’inchiostro blu nei manoscritti greci: primi cenni per una ricerca’, in Miscellanea in ricordo di Monsignor Paul Canart, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana [submitted 15/04/2019].

‘Between the Pillar and the Cross: Stylite Saints in Late Antique Perception’, in Acts of the XVII International Conference of Christian Archaeology(CIAC) [submitted 30/04/2019].

‘Was Patriarch Nikephoros a Jew? A Literary Reading of the Lifeby Ignatios the Deacon (BHG 1335)’, in Festschrift in Memory of Filippo Burgarella, ed. by Gioacchino Strano (Catania/Reggio Calabria).

Work in Preparation: Books
Somatic Salvation: Essays on the Body of Christ in Byzantium

Introduction to Greek Paleography: A Handbook for Beginners from the Manuscripts in the CarolinaLibrary(Uppsala).

An edition with translation of the Short Commentary to the Titles of the Psalmsby Hesychios of Jerusalem, for Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca (Brepols: provisional contract).

Crucified Saints from Antiquity to Modernity, co-edited with Anthony John Lappin (SanctorumMonographs of AISSCA, Viella, Rome).

Articoli in preparazione
‘The Shape of the Holy Cross at Sykeon: Healing Miracles and the Power of the Archangel between Faith and Doubt’ (journal article).

‘Paratexts to the Gospels in Some Greek Manuscripts in the Carolina Library, Uppsala’, Biblical Paratexts, ed. by Nadia Togni (Geneva).

‘Styliter och deras samhället’, in Klosterlivet i antik kristendom, ed. Samuel Rubensson (Artos).

‘The Book and the Cross: Objects, Symbols, and Relationship in the Identity of Medieval Byzantium’, in The Routledge Handbook of Identity in Byzantium, ed. by David Parnell, M.E. Stewart and Conor Whately (commissioned article; planned 2020).

New Blackfriars81 (2000), 300–301: John Baggley, Festival Icons for the Christian Year(London: Mowbray, 2000), xii + 180 pp.

The Catholic Historical Review86 (2000), 656–8: Marie-France Auzépy, L’Hagiographie et l’iconoclasme byzantin: le cas de la Vie d’Étienne le Jeune, Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs, 5 (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999), x + 342 pp.

The Catholic Historical Review89 (2003), 288–90: Dumbarton Oaks Papers55 (2001).

The Catholic Historical Review89 (2003), 290–1: Hilarion Alfeyev, St Symeon the New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition, Oxford Early Christian Studies (Oxford, 2000).

The Catholic Historical Review89 (2003), 282–3: Gregorio Magno, Vita di san Benedetto. Versione greca di papa Zaccaria, ed. Gianpaolo Rigotti, Hellenika 8 (Alessandria, 2001).

New Blackfriars 85 (2004), 249–50: Gregory Collins OSB, The Glenstal Book of Icons: Praying with the Glenstal Icons(Glenstal Abbey, 2002).

The Classical Review56.1 (2005): M.L. Sosower, Signa officinarum chartariarum in codicibus graecis saeculo sexto decimo fabricatis in bibliothecis Hispaniae (Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, 2004).

The Heythrop Journal50.2 (2009), 317: John Monfasani, Greeks and Latins in Renaissance Italy. Studies on Humanism and Philosophy in the 15thCentury, Variorum CS 801 (Aldershot, 2004) & Paul F. Grendler, Renaissance Education Between Religion and Politics, Variorum CS 845 (Aldershot, 2006).

The Heythrop Journal 51.2 (2010), 327–9: Teresa Morgan, Popular Morality in the Early Roman Empire(Cambridge: CUP, 2007).

The Heythrop Journal52 (2011), 465–6: From Rome to Constantinople: Studies in Honour of Averil Cameron, H. Amirav and B. ter Haar Romney, eds (Leuven: Peeters, 2007).

The Heythrop Journal52 (2011), 467–8: Kate Cooper, The Fall of the Roman Household(Cambridge, 2007).

The Heythrop Journal52.3 (2011), 482–3: Joshua Holo, Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy(Cambridge, 2010).

Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 36.2 (2012), 234–5: Eva Nyström, Containing Multitudes: Codex Upsaliensis Graecus 8 in Perspective(Uppsala, 2008).

Orientalia Christiana Periodica 79.2 (2013), 522–3: Henry Maguire, Nectar and Illusion: Nature in Byzantine Art and Literature(Oxford, 2012).

The Heythrop Journal 54 (2013), 441–2: Clifford Ando, The Matter of the Gods: Religion and the Roman Empire(Berkeley/London, 2008).

Bryn Mawr Review (2015.02.31): Les Dialogues Adversos Iudaeos: Permanences et mutations d’une tradition polémique, ed. by S. Morlet, O. Munnich and B. Pouderon (Paris: Institut d’Études Augustiniennes, 2013).

The Medieval Review (2015.06.11): Floris Bernard, Writing and Reading Byzantine Secular Poetry, 1025–1081(Oxford, 2014).

Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine andModernGreek Studies2 (2016), 301-302: Bengt Alexanderson, Problems in the New Testament: Old Manuscripts and Papyri, the New Genealogical Method (CBGM) and the Editio Critica Maior (ECM), Acta regiae societatis scientiarum et litterarum Gothoburgensis. Humaniora 48 (Göteborg, 2014).

Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2016.11.38): Antonopoulou, Theodora F., Sofia Kotzabassi and Marina Loukaki, eds, Myriobiblos: essays on Byzantine literature and culture, Byzantinisches Archiv 29 (Berlin, 2015).

Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2017.03.52): Olof Brandt, La croce e il capitello. Le chiese paleocristiane e la monumentalità. Città del Vaticano, 2016. Sussidi allo studio delle antichità cristiane pubblicati a cura del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana, XXVIII.

The Library: Transactions of the Bibliographic Society7.19.1, March 2018, 79-82: Les Bibles atlantiques. Le manuscrit biblique à l’époque de la réforme de l’église du XIe siècle, ed. by Nadia Togni, Millennio Medievale, 10. Strumenti e Studi, 42 (Florence: SISMEL, 2016).

Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine andModernGreek Studies3 (2017), pp. 173-178: Claudia Rapp, Brother-Making in Late Antiquity and Byzantium: Monks, Laymen, and Christian Ritual(Oxford: OUP, 2016).

Bryn Mawr Classical Review(2018.02.07): The New Testament in Byzantium, ed. by Derek Krueger and Robert Nelson, Dumbarton Oaks Colloquia (Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Press, 2017).

A Journal of the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies(2018), 492-494:Georgi Parpulov, Towards a History of Byzantine Psalters, ca. 850-1350(Plovdiv, 2016).

The Heythrop Journal (forthcoming):The Cambridge Intellectual History of Byzantium, ed. by Anthony Kaldellis and Niketas Siniossoglou (Cambridge, 2017).

Patristica Nordica Annuaria(forthcoming): Monastic Education in Late Antiquity. The Transformation of Classical Paideia, ed. by Lilian I. Larsen and Samuel Rubenson (Cambridge, 2018).