Nuova comunicazione 24° Congresso di Studi Bizantini (Venezia – Padova 2022) / New Announcement 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies

Dear Colleagues,
A few days away from the final deadline for the Plenary Sessions, I first of all wish to thank you on behalf of the Organising Committee for your widespread participation and the high number of proposals submitted to us over the past few months for the Thematic sessions, the Free Communications, and the Round Tables, despite the difficulties we have all been experiencing over the last year.
Now that all the deadlines are almost behind us, I wish to inform you about the following stages and our schedule. The Congress website will be launched in the summer, when it will be possible to enrol by paying the normal fee (until 30 November 2021) and receive all the necessary supplementary information. From 1 December the enrolment fee will be increased by roughly 25%.
Prior to the official launching of the Congress website, any new information will be published on
Once the Congress website is online, it will be possible to upload papers for the Plenary Sessions and abstracts of the papers for the Round Tables, Thematic Sessions, and Free Communications by strictly following the instructions and editorial guidelines provided on the website. I can already point out that the deadlines for the uploading of the texts are as follows:
15 October 2021: texts for the Plenary Sessions;
30 November 2021: abstracts for the Round Tables, Thematic Sessions, and Free Communications.

I thank you for your participation and attention.

Antonio Rigo
Organising Committee of the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies

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